
  • Economic Experiment, 1.5 Hours to Earn around $25

    The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics will be running computer-based experiments this  Tuesday (Dec 10). There will be  a 4pm session and a 6pm session,  which will run for roughly 1.5 hours. You will participate in a simulated market environment at computer terminals, seeking to earn as much money as possible over the course of the experiment. Your earnings during the experiment will translate to an amount of actual earnings that you get to take home with you. The better you do in the experiment, the more money you will take home.  

     You will earn $5 just for showing up on time. The actual earning varies, depending on your individual performance.

     All sessions will take place in CANR Computer Lab, located in the Ratcliffe Hicks Arena building room 108. See this link  or the attached picture for the location. This experiment is approved under IRB Exemption #X12-129 protocol.

     Please reply to if you are interested in attending. VERY IMPORTANT: When you attempt to register for an experiment, your email must include your name and student ID, as well as the exact date and time slot you are attempting to sign up for:

     Session 1: Tuesday                4pm     Dec 10,

    Session 2: Tuesday              6pm     Dec 10,

     Spots will be filled on a "first to reply" basis. You will receive an email either confirming your spot in the experiment OR letting you know that the session has already been filled.  The confirmation email will be sent out once we have enough people to sign up for the session you choose, usually one day before the session date.  Thank you for your patience in advance. 

    Note that if you participated in a similar experiment last week, you are NOT eligible to participate in these two experiments. You can still participant in our other experiments in the future.  

     It is likely that there will be subsequent calls for volunteers in the near future, if you are unavailable to participate this time but willing to participant in the future please contact Thank you.

    For more information, contact: Stephen Swallow at