Arts and Entertainment

  • 12/6 Taffeta Punk: A Shakespeare Show

    “If love be rough with you, be rough with love.”

    Love is poetic, painful, romantic, reckless, and generally all sorts of trouble. It’s difficult enough to put into words today, but Shakespeare described it best in two: taffeta punk. (His “punk” literally meant “whore,” but it’s a punk rock type of trouble too.)  Whether you love Shakespeare or hate him – whether you love romance or find it nauseating, there’s a character who feels the same in this series of scenes. This is not just the Shakespeare you read in English class. It’s the one that centuries of people have fallen in and out of love with.  And the best part is that admission is completely FREE.

    Love is taffeta: well-dressed, elegant, and beautiful.
    And love is punk: sexy, vulgar, and rule-breaking.
    And Shakespeare is all of the above. 

    Mobius Theatre in the Drama Music building  Wednesday, Dec. 4th – 7:30 pm
    Thursday, Dec. 5th – 7:30 pm
    Friday, Dec. 6th – 8 pm

    You can reserve tickets by email through (Include “Taffeta Punk” in the subject line), or just come the night of. Seating is limited, especially for the Friday performance.


    Sponsored by The UConn Drama Department

    For more information, contact: Christianne Glenn-Long at