Academic and Scholarly Events

  • Call for Abstracts: Digital Health Conference

    The UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media is accepting poster abstracts for its 4th Annual Conference, Building an Evidence Base for Commerically Available Technology, on May 14th, 2020. 

    We welcome submissions of any empirical research (quantitative or qualitative) that leverages technology to measure, explain, or intervene upon a physical or mental health-related issue. Abstracts that reflect the conference theme will receive priority but this is not mandatory. Technology may include mobile apps, wearables, online platforms, EHRs, social media, virtual or augmented reality, exergames, and more.

    Students are encouraged to submit their work and receive free entry into the conference.

    Each abstract should represent complete and original results.  Please note that submission indicates an intention to attend the conference and present your poster. Click here for submission details. 


    For more information, contact: UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media at