Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 12/4 Academic Achievement Center at McMahon and Alumni

    The Academic Achievement Center (AAC) is launching a new program in the residence halls! The AAC traditionally has had students come to our space in the CUE to gain help with study techniques, time management, and study skills. We thought it may be more helpful to bring the ACC to YOU! For the week of December 2-5, AAC Coaches will be coming to McMahon 7:00pm to 9:00pm and Alumni Quad 8:00pm to 10:00pm and offering mini workshops at the top of the hour for 15 minutes and then having one-on-one session with you if you want a little more in depth help. This is a great resource you as you are gearing up for finals week and may not know how to start! The topics for the workshops include a 5 Day Study Plan and Finals Tips and Tricks. 


    Workshops (15 mins)


    McMahon - 7:00 pm—7:15 pm [5 Day Study Plan] and 8:00 pm—8:15 pm [Finals Tips and Tricks]

    Alumni - 8:00 pm—8:15 pm [5 Day Study Plan] and 9:00 pm—9:15 pm [Finals Tips & Tricks]


    One-On-One Sessions


    McMahon - 7:15 pm—8:00 pm and 8:15 pm—9:00 pm

    Alumni - 8:15 pm—9:00 pm and 9:15 pm—10:00 pm


    PS: FREE SNACKS at the workshops and sessions! 

    For more information, contact: AAC at