
  • R Introduction Sessions

    The ISG Computational Biology Core is planning to arrange sessions on "Introduction to R" to help researchers learn and use it in their data analysis.  R can perform a broad and ever-growing range of analyses and data manipulation tasks, but this introductory session is not focused on any one of them in particular. Instead, the objective of the workshop is to teach the basic knowledge necessary to use R independently, thus helping participants initiate their own process of learning the specific tools needed for their research.

    Beginning 11-February-2020, sessions will be held for 1-hour every Tuesday (10-11am) at UConn Health.

    If you are interested, please register by Feburary 4, 2020 to the link below. Note, there are limited spaces. 


    • A basic understanding of R syntax
    • Perform basic data manipulation and calculations with reproduce-able code
    • Learn to visualize basic data
    For more information, contact: Dr Vijender SIngh at