On Campus Job Opportunities

  • 11/11 Looking for new Daily Campus copy editors

    The Daily Campus is looking to hire new copy editors for the spring semester!

    Copy editors read through all articles recieved in a night, checking for AP style, grammar, spelling, and overall clarity. Copy editors also look at the final drafts of newspaper pages, including all headlines, captions, datelines, bylines, mastheads and any other text on the page. Copy editors are also expected to attend monthly meetings (normally 5 p.m. on Sundays) to discuss issues, improvements, changes to workflow, and to learn new material.

    We're looking for copy editors who are willing to be very fexiblle, willing to work late into the night, have good communication skills, an overall sense of journalistic ethics, and high reading comprehension skills. Applicants should be relatively familiar with newswriting and journalistic style, but are NOT required to be journaism majors. To look at examples of current pages and articles visit dailycampus.com.

    Copy editors work one night per week from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. OR from 8 p.m. until all the pages are done (could be anywhere from 11 p.m. to 2:30 a.m.). Copy editors are paid $11.00/hour. 

    If you're interested in applying, email managingeditor@dailycampus.com to set up a time to complete an AP Style quiz. All applications must be submitted before Thanksgiving break.

    For more information, contact: Alex Houdeshell at managingeditor@dailycampus.com