
  • Looking for Participants

    Looking for Participants: Stress and Salivary Amylase Study 

    A research study entitled “Stress, Salivary Amylase and Eating Field Study” is recruiting research study participants. To qualify you must meet the following criteria: 

    • Be between 18-70 years of age 
    • Be able to commit to the full study and have a schedule that does not conflict with more than one measurement time. 
    • Free of major diseases such as: diabetes, food allergies. 
    • A functioning smartphone with ability to receive texts. 

    This study will include a baseline assessment and answering 10 brief surveys and taking 10 saliva samples over two days. The brief surveys will be given five times a day for two days at three hour intervals starting at 9 A.M. and ending at 9 P.M. 

    Participants will be compensated up to $40 for their time and effort. 

    Please contact if interested in participating or for more information. The principal investigator is Jeanne McCaffery, Ph.D. This study has been approved by University of Connecticut, Institutional Review Board for Human Studies, Storrs CT. Protocol# H18-268.

    For more information, contact: Stress and Salivary Amylase Study Team at