Cultural Center Events

  • 10/16 The Illusionists Documentary Screening

    "If you're going to watch one documentary on the beauty industrial complex, this should be it." - Lisa Wade, Associate Professor of Sociology, Occidental College

    Sex sells. What sells even more? Insecurity. Multi-billion dollar industries saturate our lives with images of unattainable beauty, exporting body hatred from New York to Beirut to Tokyo. Their target? Women, and increasingly men and children. The Illusionists turns the mirror on media, exposing the absurd, sometimes humorous, and shocking images that seek to enslave us.

    ○ Come to discuss...

    ■ How bodies are marketed and how body trends are sold for profit

    ■ Male Body Image - have you ever noticed that advertisers target men more? Why are we so reluctant to talk about it?

    ■ What is the impact of films like these on conversation of body image? Do you think they’ll bring about change?


    Wednesday, 10/16 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm in the Women's Center (Student Union room 421)

    For more information, contact: Kamya Trivedi at