Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 10/29 23rd Annual Neuroscience at Storrs, 2019

    You are cordially invited to the 23rd ANNUAL NEUROSCIENCE AT STORRS SYMPOSIUM on Tues, October 29th, 2019 from 3:30 pm-8:30 pm in Dodd / Bousfield on the Storrs campus.

    This annual event brings together the neuroscience community at UConn from across diverse departments and schools including the departments of Physiology and Neurobiology, Psychological Sciences, Neuroscience (UCHC), Biomedical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering and The Connecticut Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

    Our Keynote Speaker this year is Dr. Marina Picciotto, the Charles B. G. Murphy Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neuroscience.

    In addition, we will be hosting a data blitz (short-format podium presentation), poster session and reception. Students and postdoctoral fellows are enthusiastically encouraged to participate in the poster and data blitz presentations (with prizes!). Please sign up on the website below, which also has all relevant info:

    1) If you plan on attending the symposium, please RSVP as an attendee.  Again, all UConn undergrads, grad students, postdocs, staff and faculty pursuing neuroscience research or interested in neuroscience are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

    2) If you are a UConn graduate student, postdoctoral fellow or undergraduate engaged in neuroscience research and would like to present a POSTER, please sign up with your poster title and abstract as soon as possible. There are PRIZES for best poster!  

    3) If you are a UConn graduate student or postdoctoral fellow engaged in neuroscience research and would like to present at the DATABLITZ, please sign up with your presentation title. The DataBlitz is a 3 minute long presentation of your research endeavoring to be as clear and concise as possible in the communication of your work to a broad audience. Please note that we also have a limited number of spots for the DataBlitz but there are PRIZES for best talk!

    This event is free and open to everyone. We look forward to your participation!

    For more information, contact: Alexander Jackson at