Volunteer Opportunities

  • 10/7 Seeking EcoCaptains

    We are looking for EcoCaptains to help promote the EcoMadness Competition (a competition between 23 residence halls on campus to reduce water/energy usage and recycle better) as well as collect recycling data. This is a great leadership and volunteer opportunity! If you are interested, please attend the meeting today,  Monday, October 7th, 5-6PM in Student Union 320.

    We are especially looking for EcoCaptains in the following residence halls:

    • Hanks
    • Rogers
    • Russell
    • Terry
    • Webster
    • Trumbull
    • Keller
    • Beecher
    • Allen
    • Jefferson/Colt
    • Lafayette/Morgan
    • Hamilton/Wade
    • Alsop
    • Hollister
    • Lancaster
    • Grange
    • Sprague
    • Whitney

    All EcoCaptains will be invited to the free Dairy Bar ice cream parties for the winning residence halls!

    Find out more about EcoMadness here.

    For more information, contact: Mara Tu/Office of Sustainability at mara.tu@uconn.edu