Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 10/8 Library Survey - Focused Group Conversation

    The UConn Library is engaging in a strategic framework process to determine what kind of library is the right library for UConn. On Tuesday, October 8 we will be hosting a focused group conversation with students from 6-7pm in Babbidge Library, Room 1101 (Level 1). Refreshments will be available. You can register at

    If you are unable to make it but are interested in providing feedback, there are other options for participation:

    Survey (open through October 31). Designed to take no more than 10-15 minutes.

    Open Office Hours
    Tuesday, October 8, 11am-1pm
    Homer Babbidge Heritage Room (Level 4)
    No RSVPs required

    Additional Focused Group Conversation for Students
    Wednesday, October 16, 2-3pm
    Homer Babbidge Room 1101 (Level 1)
    RSVP required at

    For more information, contact: Jean Nelson at