Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 9/24 COMM Speaker Series: Angry Hugs & Withheld Love

    Dr. Sean M. Horan is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication at Fairfield University. His research focuses on the arguments of Affection Exchange and Work Life Border theories. Typically this involves studies of deceptive affection, safer sex communication, and workplace romance. Dr. Horan's original research has been the subject of various (inter)national media stories featured in the Times of India, Axapneε (Greece), Africa News Post, Fox News, Quo! (Spain & Mexico), Men’s Health, and Cosmopolitan, among others. Likewise, his expert commentary has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, The Washington Post, and the Daily News. He is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, and he writes his own regular series, Adventures in Dating, for Psychology Today.

    For more information, contact: Cindy Stewart at