On Campus Job Opportunities

  • 9/23 Become an Orientation Leader for the 2020 Program

    Information sessions begin on Monday, September 23 for Storrs undergraduate students who are interested in becoming an Orientation Leader for the 2020 Orientation program.  Interested students need to attend an Information session to learn about the job, its requirements, and to pick up an application.  This is the ONLY time of the year that we recruit for Orientation Leaders because training occurs during the spring semester.  For a schedule of Information Session dates and times check out, https://orientation.storrs.uconn.edu/join-the-team/  Applications are available at the Information Sessions only and not distributed at any other time.  Becoming an Orientation Leader is the ultimate leadership experience on campus!


    For more information, contact: Maria A. Sedotti/Orientation Services at 860-486-4866/orientation.storrs@uconn.edu