Academic and Scholarly Events

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    UConn's Department of Public Policy (DPP) allows UConn undergraduates the opportunity to expedite their master's degree at no additional cost to their undergraduate tuition. A Master of Arts in Survey Research prepares students to play a critical role in market research, which allows businesses to measure the effectiveness of media campaigns, determine the feasibility of new products and services, and make strategic business decisions. Public opinion polling is another avenue of survey research which helps public and political leaders, as well as non-profit organizations, to gauge public opinion on a variety of topics. Surveys are also an effective tool for policy analysis and program evaluation.


    Attend an upcoming information session and begin seeking positive outcomes for others!

    Online - Master of Survey Research & Fast-Track Programs

    September 16 from 6:00 - 6:30 PM



    For more information, contact: Lian Kish at