Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 9/11 Dr. Falcis on Specific Trade Concerns

    Dr. Eleonora De Falcis, International Trade Center, UN/WTO


    Abstract: This paper analyzes the landscape of trade discussion and the changes occurred in the last two decades by exploring WTO members’ participation in discussing specific trade concerns (STCs) on sanitary and phytosanitary measures. The paper is intended to uncover the configuration of the STCs by making use of the approach of network analysis (NA) to understand how Members assort in these discussions and their trade interdependence. The NA reveals an uneven distribution of concerns between countries, which indeed represent main players of agricultural trade. Along this line, the study points to a considerable variation in STCs participation, driven by some developing countries more and more at the center of these discussions. Moreover, through the lenses of NA statistics and visualization, this paper sheds light to the intensity and extensity of connections as well as the importance – within the network – of the partner country. Our results provide stylized facts that within their own continents, developing countries tend to support each other rather than having trade concerns, making the case of the importance of coalition as bargaining tool that countries may seek to exploit.

    Wednesday, September 11, 2019


    Location: White 209

    View the full Fall 2019 ARE Seminar Schedule 

    For more information, contact: Tatiana Andreyeva at