Volunteer Opportunities

  • 10/5 One-Time Volunteer Opportunity

    The Day of Caring is an event between UConn, Eastern, and the United Way as we team up to help serve our community. The event will take place on October 5th at various project sites all across the Windham region from 9:00am-12:00pm, with a community gathering for lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm. UConn student volunteers will be transported to the project site to begin the community cleanup around 9:00a.m. Students will work at the site under supervision of the Site Project Coordinator until 12:00 pm and then will be picked up and brought to the community gathering for lunch. All participants are welcome to attend the community gathering at noon.


    This one-time event requires NO commitment and is a great way to give back to the community and meet others who are passionate about community service!


    Sign up on UConntact now!: https://uconntact.uconn.edu/event/4787747

    For more information, contact: Fiona Pare at uconn.co.initiatives@gmail.com