Volunteer Opportunities

  • 9/11 Civil Rights & Urban Poverty Alternative Break

    This winter break, join a group of passionate UConn students for a week of community service dedicated to learning about civil rights and urban poverty in Birmingham, Alabama! We will be working with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and visiting historical sites significant to the struggle for civil rights. This immersive educational and service experience will challenge you to engage with critical social issues, develop both leadership and teamwork skills, and embrace the uncomfortable. 


    Trip Location: Birmingham, AL

    Trip Dates: January 11th-19th, 2020


    If you are interested in participating (applications due September 25th), or leading a group of students as a Team Leader (applications due September 11th), please email Akriti and Eileen at uconn.co.birmingham@gmail.com. Visit https://communityoutreach.uconn.edu/alt-break-trips/ for more info.

    For more information, contact: Community Outreach at communityoutreach@uconn.edu