Volunteer Opportunities

  • Join Big Brothers Big Sisters

    Do you like mentoring? Do you want to make a difference? Do you just need some structured time in your week to forget about college stress? Then Big Brothers Big Sisters is the program for you!
    UConn BBBS makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”). We work with nearby Windham and Putnam school districts, in both their elementary and middle schools. Our program runs once a week at each of the 7 different sites (see a full schedule of available times below) as an after school program at the students’ school.  We incorporate an academic component through a tutoring / homework session each week with your Little, as well as leaving plenty of time for the two of you to have fun as a pair or get involved in group activities! Most sites have access to school playgrounds, fields, computer labs and gyms so there is something fun to do for everyone.
    What makes our program unique is that we are a one-on-one mentoring program that emphasizes developing positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young students. You will work with the same child each week, allowing for a great opportunity to really get to know your Little as the year progresses. You can even stay with the same Little for consecutive semesters if it works out in your schedule! Our best matches have come from relationships that developed over multiple semesters!
    Check us out at the Involvement Fair on Wednesday September 4th in the Community Outreach Section or come to one of our info sessions!

    Fall 2019 Program Schedule:

    Monday: 3:00-5:15

    Tuesday: 3:00-5:15 or 3:15-5:30

    Wednesday: 2:25-5:10 or 3:30-5:00

    Thursday: 2:50-5:15 or 3:45-5:45

    Fall 2019 Info Sessions:

    Thursday 9/5: 4:00-4:30 and 4:30-5:00 in MCHU 201

    Friday 9/6: 2:30-3:00 and 3:00-3:30 in OAK 109

    Monday 9/9: 6:00-6:30 and 6:30-7:00 in OAK 105

    You can also apply online here if you're already sold! Please email us at the email below if you do so that we can schedule you for an in-person interview!

    For more information, contact: Peter Kunz and Carlee Pickering at uconn.co.bbbs@gmail.com