
  • Research Study for White American Monolinguals

    We are looking for:

    • Individuals who identify as European-Americans 

    • Individuals who speak only English (18 - 25 years old) 

    • Individuals with no history of hearing or neurological disorders


    As part of the study, we will record brainwaves from sensors placed on your head, and we will ask you to wear a digital audio recorder for two days.


    There are 2 brain assessment sessions (up to 3 hours each). Participation in this study requires at least one-week of commitment.


    This study will be performed on the University of Connecticut Storrs campus.


    Eligible subjects can receive up to $70 in Amazon gift cards for participation.


    If this sounds interesting to you, please email us at for more information.


    Project Title: Language experience and the brain

    IRB #: H16-264,

    Pis: Adrian Garcia-Sierra, Ph.D, Erika Skoe, Ph.D, Nairan Ramirez-Esparza, Ph.D

    For more information, contact: Department of Psychological Sciences, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at