
  • BOLD Women's Leadership Scholarship Application

    Applications for the second cohort of the BOLD Women’s Leadership Network are due by 11:59pm on May 19, 2019!

    The BOLD program focuses on facilitating opportunities for women’s career development and networking through scholarship funding, programming, and engagement in service/leadership projects to effect positive social change. Students who meet the eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply. 

    Eligible students must:

    • Identify as a woman.
    • Be pursuing a bachelor’s degree at UConn and plan to graduate with that bachelor’s degree in May 2021 or August 2021. This includes students pursuing Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of General Studies, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Science in Engineering degrees.
    • Be enrolled as a full-time student in good standing.
    • Be based at the Storrs campus for the following four semesters (Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021), in order to participate fully in program activities.
    • Have demonstrated exceptional academic promise, strong leadership potential, creative and critical thinking skills, and a commitment to social change.

    More information can be found online at:

    For more information, contact: Liza Boritz at