Student Organization Events & Information

  • 4/23 SOH Temporary Secretary Application

    Students for One Health (SOH) has an opening for the position of Secretary for just the Fall 2019 semester. You will serve as secretary (and start learning about your role) starting over the summer and will end in December 2019. If you would like to continue in the role, you will have to reapply in the Spring 2020-Fall 2020 election cycle. Please see a description of the position below.
    In the role of secretary, you are expected to be present at all of our general body and E-Board meetings (general body meetings will be held bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm during the fall semester, and E-Board meetings are monthly at times TBD). Here, you will take meeting minutes and follow up each meeting with an email highlighting what we discussed. You will also be expected to send out periodic update/reminder emails regarding events and opportunities. Additionally, you will be responsible for overseeing and assisting our One Health Conference Directors and their committee with planning the One Health Conference which will be held in Spring 2020. The directors will handle most of the details, but you need to simply be available to help with coordination and facilitation of the event, as well as guide them in whether their plans align with what we are able to do as a club. They, as well as our current secretary., will catch you up to speed with what you need to know following your appointment. Our current secretary will also be able to help with any questions you may have regarding your role via email. 
    We encourage everyone to apply, as it is a great opportunity to get to know our club and develop your leadership abilities. The application will close THIS UPCOMING TUESDAY, 4/23, AT 5PM. This is a very quick turnaround time, however the application is short and shouldn't be too tedious. We will announce our decision at our meeting Tuesday, 4/23, at 8:15pm in CHEM T114. The application can be found here.
    Students for One Health is a new student organization on campus that seeks to promote the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health. We aim to do this through the development of a Univeristy-sponsored One Health webpage, One Health Week activities in the Fall, and the organization of a One Health Conference in the spring. Meetings for next semester will be held bi-weekly on Wednesdays from 7-8pm in SU 410. If you are interested in joining our email list, please sign-up here:
    For more information, contact: Students for One Health at