Academic and Scholarly Events

  • MCB Seminar Series: Dr.Kat Milligan-Myhre

    From the field to the bench: Adapting an evolutionary model for host-microbe studies

    Tuesday, April 23, 2019
    3:00 Refreshments
    3:30 Seminar
    BPB 131

    The Department of Molecular and Cell Biology welcomes Dr. Kat Milligan-Myhre, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of Alaska Anchorage as part of the MCB Seminar Series, hosted by Dr. Broderick

    Dr. Kat is an Inupiaq, mom, scientist, and runner, not necessarily in that order. She earned a B.S. in Medical Microbiology and Immunology and a PhD in Microbiology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her background includes 20 years in microbiology studying pathogenic and beneficial microbes. Her current work, based on studies she started at the University of Oregon as a postdoc, focuses on how the host genetic background contributes to the ability of microbes to stimulate host development and protect against pathogens. When not sciencing, she is active in the Indigenous community, travels, runs, and tries not to be chased by moose.

    Dr. Kat’s talk will focus on the changes in host genetic background and the environment lead to differences in the ability of microbes to stimulate host development and maintain host health.


    To learn more about Dr. Milligan-Myhre,

    If you require accommodation for this event please contact the MCB Department in Advance: 860-486-4329

    For more information, contact: Ciara Hanlon at