Cultural Center Events

  • 4/12 FAMILEE Mentor Applications

    Applications are now open to be a FAMILEE Mentor for the 2019-2020 academic year! Applications are due by 5pm on Friday, April 12th.

    Fostering Academics, Maturity, Independence, Leadership, Empowerment & Excellence (F.A.M.I.L.E.E.) pairs new students with continuing students during their first or transfer year, involving group activities and one-on-one meetings. This program is designed to assist students in their first year at UConn-Storrs (including regional campus and transfer students) with their transition.

    Expectations of a F.A.M.I.L.E.E. mentor:
    - Attend regular F.A.M.I.L.E.E. Reunions to be scheduled by the F.A.M.I.L.E.E. Coordinator at the beginning of the fall semester (~5 required in the Fall, 1-2 optional in the Spring)
    - Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend at least one Rainbow Center event with mentee(s) each semester outside of the F.A.M.I.L.E.E. events
    - Discuss any concerns in individual, semesterly meetings with the F.A.M.I.L.E.E. Coordinator
    - Spend one-on-one and group time with their mentee(s), but that dynamic can be defined by each pair (recommended: twice a month in the Fall, once a month in the Spring)
    - The program is structured so there is more involvement in the Fall semester as folks are transitioning to UConn. Though mentees will have the option to continue in the Spring, in assuming the role as a mentor, mentors will be expected to anticipate spending two semesters in the program.

    Qualifications of a F.A.M.I.L.E.E. mentor:
    - Mentors must have at least 2 semesters of experience attending the UConn Storrs campus by the beginning of their first semester in F.A.M.I.L.E.E.
    -All students with a student conduct history will be subject to review. Students who are on University Probation at the time of application review are not eligible to interview. Students who were found responsible for any incidents in the current academic year or during the application and interviewing process will not be eligible to interview or continue on in the process.
    - Mentors should be strong leaders and ready to actively engage in the Rainbow Center Community with their mentee(s)
    - A minimum GPA of 2.75 is strongly recommended.
    - Mentors should be allies to all communities of gender identity, gender expression, and sexuality represented at the UConn Rainbow Center
    -Most mentors are undergraduate students. Any graduate students applying to be a mentor would only be assigned to graduate student FAMILEE mentees, as available.

    To learn more about the FAMILEE Mentor Program, please visit

    To apply to be a mentor, you can fill out an application at:

    For more information, contact: Steven Feldman at