
  • Paid Study: Human Subjects Requested

    Interested in a study about stress and eating? In this study, you will track for stress level, food intake and exercise via smartphone and take a saliva sample five time a day over two days. We will also measure your height, weight, blood pressure and ask you questions about your eating patterns, sleep and exercise.

    To be eligible, participants must: 1) be between 18-70 years of age; 2) be able commit to the full study and have a schedule that does not conflict with more than one measurement time; 3) be free of major diseases such as: diabetes, food allergies; 4) have a functioning smartphone with ability to receive text.

    Participants will be compensated up to $40 for their time and effort; parking for study-related visits will be compensated.

    If you would like more information, please contact:
           David Massabni                                    Jeanne Mccaffery
           786-223-3422                  OR                860-486-2190     


    This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #H18-268

    For more information, contact: Jeanne Mccaffery at