Volunteer Opportunities

  • Info Sessions: Alt Break to the Dominican Republic

         The UConn Pre-Medical Society's Alternative Break, UConn Bridge to Guanin, will be holding information sessions for its upcoming trip held over Winter Break of 2020.  Students of any major may attend and apply, but we are seeking applicants specifically interested in medicine and service.  Information sessions will be held in Homer Babbidge Library in the Class of 1947 Room on April 7th, 14th, and 24th at 7PM.  Trip applications will be made available at the beginning of September so come to an information session to get more details and put your name on our email list! 

          Bridge to Guanin is a student-run, student-funded 10-day alternative break to the community of La Piedra, Dominican Republic.  Participants will have the opportunity to host medical clinics, run health education lectures, work directly in the community, and gain clinical experience in the hospital setting in various locations of Santo Domingo.  


    For more information, contact: Pre-Medical Society at uconn.premed.altbreak@gmail.com