Arts and Entertainment

  • 4/4 My Mixed Up Story ( Open Mic )

    On Thursday, April 4th, we will be hosting an Open Mic Night called "My Mixed Up Story" from 6 PM - 8 PM in the Student Union North Lobby. 

    We are allowing students to have a stage where they can express themselves and their identity through any creative means. We are hoping to get a diverse group of participates and we would love to have any of your creative students to share their story with us! We have a pre-sign up sheet via a Google Form We will also be accepting any spontaneous performance later during the event! 

    If you have any questions at all, please let us know!

     Spectators are welcomed to come!

    MIXED is a Student Run Program that caters to students who are interested or identify as being mixed. This includes students who are mixed ethnically, racially, religiously as well as adopted students. However, we want to help ALL students understand that just being them is enough. MIXED programming seeks to enhance students experiences here at UCONN by giving them an avenue to explore their own rich diversity.  We provide the tools and support students need to create events, art and lead others.

    For more information, contact: Nadejah Green at