Arts and Entertainment

  • Love to sing?

    Come out to audition for UConn Rolling Tones! 

    Head over to room 108 in the Music Building on Sunday, February 10th at 6:00pm. There will be a showcase of UConn's 10 acappella groups and sign ups for audition slots! All you need to prepare is a verse and a chorus of any song.

    Rolling Tones auditions begin Monday, February 11th at 7pm in room 102 in the Music Building. However, come to the showcase on Sunday to sign up for an audition slot. All other acappella groups will have sign ups then as well, and be holding auditions on either Sunday or Monday.

    This semester we are looking for all voice parts. If you love to sing and are looking for a tight-knit group to join on campus, come out to audition! :)


    For more information, contact: Kalliope Sanderson at