Special Events

  • Featured Dancer Casting for Swarm Raid Music Video

    We are currently casting 10 featured dancers for a music video that will be shot at the Storrs Price Chopper. Inspired by an army ant swarm raid, the video will premiere at a performance produced through the AntU initiative at the Studio Theater at UConn in September 2019.

    If you’re interested in getting involved in the Music Video, ‘Swarm Raid’, please email anna.lindemann@uconn.edu by February 20. Please include your dance experience and general availability. We welcome all dance backgrounds!

    'Swarm Raid' Music Video Invite: https://bit.ly/2GmJgjw

    Time Commitment:
    We anticipate two 3 hour rehearsals in March, and two 4 hour video shoots the weekend of April 5-7 for featured dancers.
    Interested in participating, but unable to fit this time commitment in your schedule? You can still be involved! We will be looking for additional, non-featured participants for two hours during the April 5-7 video shoot weekend.

    More about AntU and The Colony Performance:
    AntU (http://web.uconn.edu/mnh/antu/) involves 16 cross-campus initiatives emerging from collaborations in science, humanities, and the fine arts inspired by the Army Ant Guest Collection housed at the University of Connecticut, a world-class natural history collection amassed over more than fifty years of field research by Carl W. and Marian E. Rettenmeyer.
    The ‘Swarm Raid’ Music Video will be featured in a performance produced through AntU called The Colony. The performance includes projected animations and video alongside live spoken and musical performance, and examines the dynamics of sisterhood and the evolution of communication in two of the most social creatures on earth: humans and ants. In a climactic scene of the performance, a video sequence taking place in a grocery store serves as a human parallel to an army ant swarm raid.

    Project Leaders:
    The ‘Swarm Raid’ Music Video is being directed by Anna Lindemann and Ryan Glista.
    Anna Lindemann is Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Design at UConn and co-director of the AntU UConn Office of the Provost Academic Plan. https://annalindemann.com
    Ryan Glista is Digital Project Manager and Video Producer at The Bushnell Center for Performing Arts and UConn MFA ’17. http://www.ryanglista.com/

    For more information, contact: Anna Lindemann at anna.lindemann@uconn.edu