Volunteer Opportunities

  • Tutoring High School Students

    If you are interested in working with local high school students in a classroom environment, apply to Windham High School Tutoring!

    Through assisting Windham High School's teachers in the classroom, our tutors aim to increase students' engagement and self-confidence by helping them to reach their full academic potential. Participants are assigned to work with a teacher on a weekly basis, assisting them with anything ranging from helping teach the lesson of the day to working with the students one-on-one. It could also be as simple as supervising the class while the teacher works. This is a great opportunity to embrace diversity and help the community.

    If you would like to apply, applications can be found on uconntact.uconn.edu under Windham High School Tutoring.


    For more information, contact: Judie Wang at uconn.co.whs@gmail.com