Special Events

  • 11/27 Free Hot Cocoa and Apple Cider Bar

    Take a break on Giving Tuesday!

    The UConn Foundation—in partnership with Alumni Relations--is hosting a FREE hot cocoa and apple cider bar at Homer Babbidge Library from 1-3 p.m. in the North Lobby on Nov. 27th, Giving Tuesday. Take a break from your work or studies after the holiday rush to grab some warm beverages--and spin a prize wheel for some awesome UConn swag!

    Enjoy hot cocoa with all the fixin's: marshmallows, whipped cream, cinnamon, candy canes- or a warm seasonal apple cider. Take a selfie in our Giving Tuesday selfie frame with Jonathan the Husky for a chance at some additional prizes!

    We'll also be offering the opportunity to give to the Students First Fund. So not only can you warm up--you can feel all warm and fuzzy knowing you're helping create a safety net for students who need it most.

    Hope to see you there!

    For more information, contact: Carly Olson at colson@foundation.uconn.edu