Special Events

  • 11/14 Leigh Grossman Fiction Reading

    Wednesday, November 14

    Leigh Grossman/Fiction Reading

    UConn Bookstore, Storrs Center, 6:00 pm


    Sponsored by the Creative Writing Program and the UConn Bookstore.


    Leigh Grossman is a writer, college lecturer, editor, and publishing consultant. He teaches in the English Department at the University of Connecticut and does typesetting, book development, and book production for various publishers and authors via his company, Swordsmith Productions. Grossman is the author of sixteen published books, most recently fantasy novel The Lost Daughters. He compiled and edited Sense of Wonder, the largest single-volume science fiction anthology ever produced. Previously, he was a production supervisor at Avon Books, an editor at Byron Preiss Visual Publications/Multimedia, a college-level history and writing instructor, and a reviewer for several genre magazines. He lives in northeast Connecticut with his wife and young daughter, where he serves as an elected member of two town boards.

    Grossman’s writing credits include fantasy novels The Green Lion and The Golden Thorns; nonfiction works The Red Sox Fan Handbook, The Adult Student’s Guide, and The New England Museum Guide; along with several other books, and he was the original review editor for Horror magazine (where he primarily reviewed dark fantasy). He went on to write reviews for Wavelengths and Absolute Magnitude.

    For more information, contact: The Creative Writing Program at sean.forbes@uconn.edu