Special Events

  • It's Time to Vote: Undergraduate Student Trustee


    Attention all undergraduate students at all UConn campuses:

    This week, you will elect a new representative of undergraduate students to serve on the University of Connecticut Board of Trustees for the Spring, 2019 semester.  All undergraduate students on all campuses are eligible to vote in this special election.

    To learn about the candidates, go to: vote.uconn.edu and click on: Special Election for the Undergraduate Student Trustee.

    Voting takes place from Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at noon to Thursday, November 8, 2018 at noon.  To vote, please go to vote.uconn.edu.  There is a link on the site that says “Click here to vote.”  Candidate profiles are also included on the ballot. 

    If you have questions or trouble voting, please contact Christine Wilson at 860-486-8151.

    For more information, contact: Christine Wilson at christine.wilson@uconn.edu