Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • Apply for the Intern of the Year Award - $100

    Are you an undergraduate student that has had a fulfilling internship experience in the past year? If so, the Center for Career Development is now accepting applications for the 2018 Undergraduate Intern of the Year Award.

    We want to hear about your recent internship! Internships are a great opportunity to apply learning from the classroom, gain real-world experience in the field, and shape your career objectives. This award provides that opportunity for you to think about what you gained through this experience and share your experience with others. We are interested in hearing more about how your internship has influenced the way you are learning in the classroom and also how you were challenged professionally.

    One student will be selected as the winner and will receive the following:

    • $100 Amazon Gift Card ($75 - first runner-up / $50 - second runner-up),
    • feature on the Center for Career Development homepage,
    • recognition at the Annual Awards Breakfast during the Spring 2018 semester.
    For more information, contact: Kailee Himes at