Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 10/17 Dr. Ianna Hawkins Owen, "Surviving Diaspora"

    On Wednesday, October 17th, at 4:30 PM this semester's English Graduate Student Association's Outside Speaker, Dr. Ianna Hawkins Owen will be delivering a talk in the Stern Lounge, Austin 217. The title of her talk is "Surviving Diaspora: Glance and Relief."

    Dr. Ianna Hawkins Owen is currently an Assistant Professor of English at Williams College. She is a former University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of English at UC Berkeley and she earned her PhD in African American Studies at UC Berkeley with a Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender and Sexuality.  Her areas of interest include African diaspora theory, asexuality, failure and freedom. Her book manuscript is titled, Ordinary Failures. You can learn more about Hawkins Owen's research and writing at her website:

    This event is sponsored by the English Graduate Student Association and the Graduate Student Senate. Refreshments will be served.
    Free and open to all!
    For more information, contact: Mollie Kervick at