
  • Male Students Wanted for Research Study

    Researchers at UConn are recruiting participants to investigate the psychological and physiological benefits of various tools for helping college students learn to meditate to self-manage stress.


    You may qualify if you are:

    ·       male

    ·       a college student

    ·       18 years or older

    ·       interested in meditation, but do not currently meditate


    All participants who complete the study will receive $20 compensation, or experimental credits (1 per 30 min of participation—up to 12 credits) for introductory psychology students.

    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Blair T. Johnson with the assistance of Dr. Rebecca L. Acabchuk, Department of Psychological Sciences.

    For more information, please visit:

    Questions, please email:

    UConn IRB PROTOCOL H17-224

    For more information, contact: Rebecca Acabchuk at