Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 9/17 DMD Faculty Showcase (SIWeek)

    1 University Pl, Stamford, CT 06901, Schriber Reading Room
    3:30PM - 4:30PM 
    Digital Media is a disruptive force that continues to evolve and transform our future landscape. It converges within the worlds of business, entertainment, education, and communication. As a newly formed disciple, Digital Media endeavors to solve problems and generate new experiences in how individuals and groups interact and share information. The Digital Media & Design Faculty Showcase is an opportunity for the Stamford community to meet DMD faculty, learn about their work, and better understand the projects that exist in the still relatively new undergraduate major at the UConn Stamford campus. Faculty presenting will include: Christopher Passehl Matthew Worwood Pamela Bramble Phil Dwire Samantha Olschan Steve Harper Sue Huang
    For more information, contact: Ofonime Udo-Okon | Digital Media & Design at 203-251-0192