Arts and Entertainment

  • 8/27 Jazz Ensemble Auditions

    Jazz Ensemble auditions (for trumpets, trombones, saxophones, piano, guitar, bass and drums) will take place during the first 2 days of classes. Here is the link to the ensemble auditions sign-up page:  Students must be signed on to their UConn emails in order to edit the document.

    Auditions are approximately 10 minutes in length. They take place in “the jazz room,” which is located at the end of the basement practice room floor in the music building. Feel free to use one of these rooms to warm up or to prepare in advance for your audition.

    All students interested in playing in a jazz big band or combo must audition. The audition consists of a brief interview, followed by our asking you do the following:

    • sight reading
    • improvising on a 12-bar blues or a jazz standard of your choosing
    • playing a prepared piece of your choice, in any style, to showcase your musical capabilities.  

    Once all the auditions have been completed, rosters will be posted. Permission numbers will be issued to selected students prior to the first ensemble rehearsal.

    In the Fall 2018 semester, the jazz ensemble (big band) will rehearse on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 – 4 p.m. John Mastroianni will be the ensemble director. Combo meeting times will be determined at a jazz area meeting the week following auditions. Both the jazz ensemble and combos are 1 credit courses.

    We look forward to seeing you again and hearing you play.

    For more information, contact: Earl MacDonald, Director of Jazz Studies at