School, Program, and Course Information

  • Join The Band

    We invite you to apply to become a member of the UConn Marching Band or Pep Band this fall and we would like to tell you more about the band program. We have members from nearly every major, and people with various levels of band experience. While some of our students come from very active high school marching band programs, about 25% of our members come in with little to no marching experience. Many of our members switch from other instruments with the help of members in their section; we pride ourselves on our creation of  a teaching process that helps every member achieve excellent skills, regardless of prior experience. There are many great opportunities and friendships to be made in this family of over 300.

    Joining the band is one of the best ways to have the most memorable experiences of your college career. UCMB members arrive on campus one week before the start of the semester for preseason. This gives new members a chance to bond with fellow band members. The UCMB provides each member with a wide social and academic support system. Band members connect with others that have common interests and passions. The average UCMB member has a GPA of 3.4--a true testament to the culture of success and excellence that we foster both on and off the field.

    We are always looking for more members of our brass sections.

    We are especially looking for a Bass Guitar player and more Color Guard members!

    Are you interested? Fill out our 2018 Membership Application here, and don’t forget to enroll in MUSI 1108-001. If you’re a freshman and you didn’t get a chance to enroll at Orientation, you can do so when Add/Drop begins on July 19.

    Still not sure about joining the UCMB? Attend our mini-camp on June 30 or our New Member Open House on July 14! You’ll have the opportunity to meet our staff, leaders, returning members and fellow new members! Contact for more information or to RSVP.

    We can’t wait to see you this fall!

    The Pride of Connecticut


    Drum Majors and Band Captains


    David Mills, UCMB Director,

    Ricardo Brown, Associate Director,

    Jessica VonVillas, Assistant Director,

    Things to check out:

    Youtube: (





    For more information, contact: UCMB Office at