Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 3/28 ARE Department Seminar: William Masters

    Dr. William Masters, Tufts University 

    Seminar Title: “Measuring the (Un)affordability of Healthy Diets: New Price Indexes for the Cost of Meeting International Nutrition Standards”


    Policies and programs often aim to improve the affordability of nutritious diets, but existing food price indexes are based on observed quantities which may not meet nutritional goals. To measure changes in the cost of reaching international standards of diet quality, we introduce a variety of new price indexes including the cost of diet diversity and the cost of nutrient adequacy.  Our methods can show where and when healthy diets are increasingly (un)affordable, and which nutritional criteria account for the change. Initial results are provided for Ghana and Tanzania, demonstrating a method that would be generalizable to other contexts for monitoring, evaluation, and assessment of changing food environments.

    Wednesday, March 28, 2018

    3:00pm - 4:15pm

    W.B. Young Building, room 132

    View the full Spring 2018 ARE Seminar Schedule


    For more information, contact: Tatiana Andreyeva at