
  • 4/3 Guest Lecturer - Tech Ethicist, David Ryan Polgar

    Tuesday, April 3rd

    12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

    Arjona, Room 225

    UConn, Storrs

    Is social media bad for user wellbeing and society at large? 2017 was the year of a backlash against Silicon Valley for their potential connection with misinformation and tech addiction. David Ryan Polgar has carved a unique career as a tech ethicist, where he explores the impact of social media & tech from ethical, legal, and emotional perspectives. In this lecture, he will take us into a deep dive into the tension between the business interests of Silicon Valley (eyeballs and engagement) and the human interests of users (trustworthy information, increasing happiness). Can't tech companies profit while also operating to benefit users & society?


    Department of Digital Media & Design

    Department of Communications

    Humanities Institute Digital Humanities and Media Studies

    For more information, contact: Meagan Ryley at