Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 3/29 Special Law School Event

    On Thursday, March 29th, there will be a panel on campus of admissions directors from 6 New England Law Schools.  And there be food too.

    The schools represented are:
    UConn Law
    University of New Hampshire Law
    Vermont Law School
    Northeastern School of Law
    University of Maine Law
    Roger Williams School of Law

    This was an excellent event last year, giving students a look at each of these schools, what they are looking for in students, and how admissions are shaping up right now for this year.  The agenda is attached.  Note that there is time at the end for you to speak individually with the representatives.  Don't miss this opportunity to get a lot of information from many sources.

    7:00 in Monteith Room 104

    For more information, contact: Diane Whitney at