Special Events

  • MEDLIFE Trip to Nicaragua

    This spring, MEDLIFE: UConn will be traveling to Managua, Nicaragua from May 12, 2018 to May 20, 2018 for a medical volunteer trip! We are currently recruiting volunteers to travel with us and set up mobile medical clinics in the developing communities in the Managua area. While we are at the clinics, you will have the opportunity to:
    • Shadow and assist physicians and dentists
    • Triage patients
    • Teach children how to brush their teeth
    • Educate community members on common health disorders
    • Help the pharmacist dispense medications
    Additionally, one day of the week will be spent on a developmental infrastructure project in the community. 
    Applications close March 24th. All majors and people looking for a service trip are welcome to apply. For more information, you can email medlifeuconn@gmail.com. Hope to see you apply!


    For more information, contact: MEDLIFE: UConn at medlifeuconn@gmail.com