Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/23 Will Gervais presents: Moral Distrust of Atheists

    The Cognitive Science Colloquium series presents:


    Will Gervais, Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of Kentucky:

    Moral distrust of atheists, and how it screws up basic theory on the psychology of religion

    The majority of people on earth view religious belief as a necessary component of morality, leading to moral distrust of atheists. To paraphrase Dostoevsky, without belief in gods, isn’t everything permitted? Gervais will present studies exploring the degree to which people intuitively view atheists as capable of committing various heinous and immoral actions.

    March 23, 2018 at 4pm in OAK Hall, rm 109

    For more information, contact: Brandy at Ciraldo