Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Provost's Outstanding Service Award

    The Provost’s Outstanding Service Award is designed to honor and recognize those who have demonstrated excellence in service to the University of Connecticut that far exceeds reasonable expectations of their positions. The award will honor faculty whose volunteer service (i.e., not that assigned as part of one’s job description or expectations in teaching, research or assigned service) is exemplary in enhancing the University’s mission in teaching, research, service, or engagement.

    By honoring such individuals, the University demonstrates its commitment to service as an activity essential to its mission and to its governance, provides incentive for faculty to pursue activities that enhance the quality of their service, and emphasizes the importance of outstanding service.

    Submission Procedure

    Nominations are due to Brandon Murray ( by March 15, 2018. 

    Nomination Materials

    • One Letter of Nomination that details in what ways the faculty member has made long term (the Nominee must have been employed at the University of Connecticut for at least five years), and extraordinary service contributions to the University. Self nominations will normally not be accepted.
    • List of the Service Contributions the nominee has made to the University, with various kinds of service distributed among categories.
    • A minimum of two additional Letters of Support (in addition to the Letter of Nomination) from persons who have the ability to judge the significance of the nominee’s service contributions. Of course, letters from outside the nominee’s department or college/school could provide more evidence of notable service.
    • An individual may receive this award once.
    For more information, contact: Brandon Murray at