Training and Professional Development

  • Using Data to Inform Online Teaching

    Online Teaching & Learning: Using Data to Inform Online Teaching

    Data can help inform instructional decisions.  HuskyCT has a number of data collection and reporting tools for instructor use. In addition, media tools, such as YouTube, Mediasite, and Zaption, often have data reporting features.

    Instructors teaching online often look for information to the following questions:

    • Which students are active and inactive in my course?

    • How did the class (collectively) perform on an assessment?

    • How is a particular student performing in the course? What students are at risk or struggling in the course?

    • What are the students’ activity patterns in the course?

    • Are students watching my lectures and videos?  

    To find out more about how data collection tools within HuskyCT can be used to answer the questions above, read the Using Data to Inform Online Teaching article from eCampus.

    For more information, contact: ecampus at