Training and Professional Development

  • CETL's Jaunary Teaching Talks Schedule

    You are invited to participate in a series of informal teaching talks throughout 2017.  These are opportunities for participants to comfortably share teaching concerns and discuss techniques and strategies with colleagues, experts, and CETL staff.  All sessions will take place in Rowe 319 except via WebEx dates.  All UConn instructors —graduate students, TAs, and APIRs, as well as adjunct, tenure-track and tenured faculty—are encouraged to attend.

    Contact Suzanne LaFleur if you have questions or would like more information.


    Tuesday, January 9            1:30 – 2:45           First Impressions: The first day of class and before

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • Preparing your course

    • Before you step into class

    • The first day

    • First day activities and procedures

    • Your questions and interests

    Register at -



    Wednesday, January 10                   1:30 – 2:45                     Creating a Positive Classroom Environment

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • Maintaining a positive attitude

    • Making students feel welcome and showing you care

    • Encouraging student participation and active learning

    • Giving choices and engaging student passion

    • Sharing the instructor’s passion for the subject

    • Providing opportunities for active learning

    • Celebrating success and celebrating failure

    • Using humor to make and/or emphasize a point

    Register at -



    Thursday, January 11           11:00-12:30   (ROWE 132)         “Improv for Fun and Profit”


    1. Have a fun 90 minutes!

    2. Come out of yourself and take some (safe) chances

    3. Discuss the implications for your teaching, or your non-teaching work

    We will do silent, whole group improvs to begin, then move on to individual and small group improve activities, both silent and spoken.

    Again, the first objective is to have fun!

    Register at -




    Thursday, January 11           1:30 – 2:45                     Mixing It Up: Adding Variety to your Classroom Instruction

    This Talk will cover such topics as:

    • Breaking up the lecture: when, how (videos, stories, role play, Q & A, iClickers, small group discussion, brief activities…) why

    • Q & A as review

    • Restatement of key points by students as a check for understanding

    • Small group discussion of key points followed by whole group discussion

    • Brief activities to reinforce learning objectives

    • Assigning each section of a chapter to a small group of students who will then present the material to the whole group

    Register at -




    Friday, January 12                11:00 – 12:15                 Managing Anxiety, Yours and Theirs

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • Lack of confidence

    • Lack of knowledge

    • Lack of preparation

    • Lack of experience

    • Time management

    • The first day

    • The beginning of class

    • The “rules,” and dealing with off task behaviors

    • The lecture

    • Active learning           

    • Shared goals and expectations

    Register at -



    For more information, contact: Suzanne LaFleur at