Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Enrolling Participants: High Blood Pressure Study

    Study Title: Using the Immediate Blood Pressure Benefits of Exercise to Improve Exercise Adherence: A Pilot Study

    Do you think you have high blood pressure? You may qualify to participate in a study of how exercise training affects your blood pressure.

    You may qualify if you are:

    18 years of age or older

    -a non-smoker

    -think you have elevated blood pressure

    -currently exercise less than 2 days per week

    Study Details:

    Eligible individuals will receive two free exercise stress tests, regular blood pressure measurements, supervised exercise training (Hartford or Storrs), and financial compensation ($100)

    Principal Investigator: Linda S. Pescatello, PhD, FACSM

    Study Coordinator: Amanda Zaleski, Department of Kinesiology |

    IRB PRotocol: This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #H15-277


    For more information, contact: Amanda Zaleski, MS at 860-972-3454/