Training and Professional Development

  • CETLs Upcoming Teaching Talks

    Thursday, November 9           2:00 – 3:15                 Leading Effective Discussions

    At this session, participants will discuss topics like

    • The attributes of effective classroom discussions
    • Preparation strategies
    • Questioning techniques
    • How to encourage students to speak and assessing students’ contributions to class discussions

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    Wednesday, November 15            2:30 – 3:45           Writing (or revising) your Teaching Philosophy

    At this session, participants will discuss the concept of the teaching philosophy—its attributes, value, and uses—as they begin to envision writing a teaching philosophy of their own.  To prepare for this session, participants are encouraged to reflect on their own teaching by trying one of these brainstorming exercises (optional):

    • Draft a letter to someone outside academia on the joys and challenges of teaching

    • List the qualities of an effective teacher

    • Free write about a memorable experience in the classroom or in the field

    • Outline a dream course

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    Thursday, November 16     11:00 – 12:15                  Reaching Underprepared Students

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • How to recognize the underprepared students in your course

    • Steps to take, including strategies for differentiated instruction

    • What are our responsibilities and how can we meet them

    • What are the student’s responsibilities and how can we assist her/him in meeting them

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     Monday, November 27           1:30 – 2:45                  What are my Grades Really Grading?

    We plan our courses with a set of objectives in mind, but how much do we take them into account when planning our final exams and assignments? If we want to encourage critical thinking, does it make sense to have a multiple-choice exam with concepts from the textbook? In this hands-on session, we will look at the correlation between course objectives and assessments. We will look at concrete examples and consider each participant’s own case. The goal is for participants to leave with at least one test question or assignment that is well aligned with one of their objectives.

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    Tuesday, November 28           11:00 – 12:15  Classroom Grouping Strategies

    VIA WebEX

    In this session, participants will discuss topics like:

    • Purposes for grouping

    • Flexible groups vs. the same groups for the entire semester

    • Forming the groups – what are the key elements

    • Individual tasks within the group, and how to keep track of performance

    • Grading group work

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    Wednesday, November 29     1:30 – 2:45      Embracing Diversity in the Classroom

    If we truly believe that our mission as educators involves providing all students with equal opportunities to learn, we have to be ready to do just that. In this session, we will address:

    - the notion of cultural competence and cultural competency in the classroom

    - how to welcome and incorporate diversity into our classes

    - ideas for helping students be more culturally competent

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    Friday, December 1            11:00 – 12:15     Promoting Critical Thinking Through Course Activities

    Description coming soon

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    Monday, December 4       1:30 – 2:45                        Incorporating Writing and Communication Skills in the Classroom


    Whatever a student’s major is, they will at some point have to communicate with an audience, be it at a job interview, community event, academic conference, office meeting, etc. This talk will discuss ideas for class content and assignments that:

    - help students use course topics to communicate in spoken or written media using a variety of modalities and genres, such as print, audio, video, online, and social media

    - help you measure students’ grasp of content and attainment of course objectives

    - get students more actively involved in their own learning


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    For more information, contact: Suzanne LaFleur at