Training and Professional Development

  • 11/9 Tax Planning

    The Graduate School presents our third session in a series on financial literacy this semester:


    Thursday, November 09, 2017


    HBL 1947

    Please click here to RSVP


    This session will focus on:

    Tax Planning – Learn strategies to save money on income taxes, property taxes and estate taxes:

    • Ways to reduce your income taxes each year
    • Tax preferred placement of assets
    • Tax advantaged options for your retirement
    • Tax diversification
    • Tax free investments
    • Stretching IRA’s and retirement plans through multiple generations
    • Saving money on property taxes
    • Estate taxes – how to double your exemption
    • Estate taxes – how to reduce the tax bill if you’re over the published limits
    • Estate taxes – family limited partnerships and minority interest reductions
    • Estate taxes – the subtrust technique
    For more information, contact: The Graduate School at (860) 486-3617