Special Events and Receptions

  • 11/2 UConn to Honor Physicians for Human Rights

    On Nov. 2-3 the Physicians for Human Rights will visit the University of Connecticut and UConn Health as the 2017 winner of UConn’s Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights.

    Since 1986, Physicians for Human Rights has used medicine and science to document and prevent mass atrocities and severe human rights violations around the world against the most vulnerable populations.

    Two special events honoring the internationally renowned human rights organization are:

    • At the UConn Storrs award ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 2 at 3:30 p.m. PHR will accept the Dodd Prize at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center’s Konover Auditorium from The Honorable Christopher J. Dodd and UConn President Susan Herbst.

    PHR Honorees include:
    Dr. Kerry J. Sulkowicz, chairman, Board of Directors
    Donna McKay, executive director
    Susannah Sirkin, director, international policy and partnerships

    • At UConn Health’s special forum on Friday, Nov. 3 at 12:00 noon in Farmington PHR leaders in Massey Auditorium will discuss the critical ongoing global fight for human rights and the greater role health professionals can play. UConn Health doctors, staff, and students including members of the PHR student chapter of UConn School of Medicine will be in the audience.

    Read how UConn Health students are “Following in the Footsteps of Physicians for Human Rights” by launching a new Asylum Clinic this fall.

    About The Thomas J. Dodd Prize

    The University of Connecticut awards the Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights biennially to an individual or group who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of international justice and global human rights. The Prize commemorates the distinguished public service career of Thomas J. Dodd, who served as Executive Trial Counsel at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, as U.S. Representative from 1953 to 1957 and as Connecticut’s Senator from 1959 to 1971. Thomas Dodd dedicated his entire public life to fighting against the violation and suppression of human rights in the United States and abroad. The Dodd Prize is made possible through the generous support of philanthropist and businessman John W. Kluge (1914-2010). Mr. Kluge was among the first contributors to the Dodd Center capital campaign and the endowment of his fund allows for the biennial awarding of the Dodd Prize.

    Lauren Woods
    UConn Health 
    Office: 860-679-2139
    Cell: 860-987-2116

    Tom Breen ‘00
    University Communications
    860-486-0890 (office)
    860-207-6662 (cell)

    For more information, contact: Tom Breen at 860-486-0890